Saturday, April 4, 2009

Worst mom of the week?

So on Monday, I picked Joye up from school as usual and she says, "I got a new partner at school today. He came from a different class." I didn't think much about it...she just went on to say that he was her partner for the week and that was that.
Tuesday morning dawns, and she complains of a headache. "I don't want to go to school today mom. My head hurts."
"You're probably tired Joye--you'll be fine after you wake up a bit."
Wednesday morning was a repeat of Tuesday morning, and when I picked her up Wednesday afternoon, her teacher said she had a hard day and wasn't acting like herself. When I told her that she hadn't wanted to come to school since Tuesday morning, she said, "Oh I know the problem. Has she mentioned her partner?"
After that, I just assumed that she didn't want to be partners with that kid so badly that she was making herself sick about it! She kept complaining about her head hurting before school (so much that Gurney kept her out on Thursday) and I just figured that she would get over it. I talked to her teacher and e-mailed and got advice on how to handle the situation--after all, we all have to learn how to deal with difficult people eventually, right?
Friday was a struggle. She didn't want to go, but we all talked her into it. She called Gurney because she forgot her Teddy bear for the teddy bear picnic, but everything else seemed fine until she called me after lunch.
"Mom, my head still hurts and now my stomach, and when I bit into my potato at lunch my throat hurt." RIGHT.
I talked her into staying the rest of the day. She didn't have fever and I explained to her gently that she needed to be patient and loving to her classmates and just stick it out for a couple more hours. I got off of the phone so proud of our teachable moment!
After Gurney picked her up, I got the call. "Rachael, I think she has a fever." Great.
After ibuprofen, she perked up quite a bit, so I figured I would just wait it out through that night. I was alone with the kids after all, and a trip to the after hours clinic would just be too hard!
The night was rough. Raging fever, wanted to sleep in our bed, couldn't sleep, tossed and turned. FUN for everyone. This morning, puking along with everything else, so I had my answer. My baby had strep! AND, it was bad. The Dr. had to give her a shot because she couldn't hold anything down so I held my daughter on a table while a SLOW nurse gave her a fat shot. She screamed and screamed. After they left the room, she said, "I told you my head hurt."
No knowing she was sick all along makes me
1. Glad she isn't just that dramatic.
2. So sad that i let her suffer that long before I got something to help her!
That's me. Mom of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Kaylee had strep too this week! I told her it was just allergies! She went to two days of school not feeling well then she called me (crying) from school. Took her to the dr and it was strep. Oops!
